Best Test Service
We provide the best training service. Whether it’s standard testing or R&D testing, our German test service engineer will give you the greatest help.
We provide the best training service!
Precision Products
We select each machine carefully for you. Ensure that each device provides the best data repeatability, reproducibility, accurate and reliable test results. Let you really focus on your products. We use our experience to save your time and meet the changing product flexibility needs with the industry.
We select the best and most sophisticated products, accessories and software for you!
Focus on implant testing!
We are committed to the field of implant testing. Years of experience in the field of implant testing let us know how to meet customer needs, how to choose the most appropriate products, find the best balance between performance and price! The quality of your needs is guaranteed by our reliable team.
We provide test solutions!
Our Partners
Our Customers
PD Dr. Annette Kienle
Physician, Managing Director
University of Ulm
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Wilke
Engineer, Scientific Board Member
University of Ulm
Dr. Cornelia Neidlinger-Wilke
Biologist, Quality Management
University of Ulm